Secret Ireland Tours
With your authentic, local Irish Guides.
Mai Hernon

The Threshold of Your Dreams
Imagine yourself enjoying an adventure in the Irish countryside, rich in history, music, song and dance. From value-packed great tours to luxury once in a lifetime tours, we can give you that choice.
Introducing: Druidess Rachel Scoazec Brennan
Introducing: Druidess Rachel Scoazec Brennan
Dr Rachel Scoazec Brennan Rachel Scoazec is our amazing Druidess and owner of
Kilderry A.N.T Educational Center in Milltown, Co Kerry.
Her backround is very impressive:
● Holds a Phd in Irish studies, former lecturer in Intercultural studies, in DIT
Hospitality Management and Tourism, in NUIG, in Saor Ollscoil ns hEireann,
● Former Consultant in Education with European Foundation along EU
Commissioners ( the executive of European Union,) also Consultant with dept of
Education and Science, with Modern Educational Centre, and with the European
Centre for International Studies in Dublin.
● Qualified registered teacher of several subjects, English, Irish, History, Geography,
Music and SPHE social personal health educationalist.
● Accomplished musician singer songwriter, multi instrumentalist, playing and
teaching 14 instruments.
● Practicing Death Midwife for the last 28 years
● 28 years experience in energy, spiritual and sound healing, medium, reiki master,
celtic shaman in several traditions, Irish Breton, Welsh and Scottish, and
Kilderry A.N.T Educational Center in Milltown, Co Kerry
Rachel teaches through Arts, Nature and Traditions. Her teachings and Ethos focuses
on the wellbeing, knowledge, wisdom and activation of people's best potential. The
center's core values are respect, integrity, inclusivity, equality, creativity, spiritual
historical philosophical and moral self-knowledge, fostering self-confidence,
independence of thoughts and actions!
The Healing Traditons of the Druids
Druidess Rachel Scoazec- Brennan teaches a wide range of subjects to all ages, but
with regards to this tour she will teach the healing aspects of Music, Nature, and
Traditions that include:
● Music: Drumming, Crystal bowls, metal bowls, magical chanting and music of
the Sidhe.
● Nature: Listening to Nature, opening portals of sound through sacred sounds,
healing with the sound.
● Herbs and their uses, what can be used from land and trees around us.
● How to read the land and main functions, ley lines, geodesy, time and space
Druid Traditions:
● Learning about Celtic Power Animals, using mythology and direct encounter also
through Celtic shamanic journeys.
● We will learn about Ogham and sacred tree knowledge.
● We will learn the knowledge and wisdom of the four seasons Druidic rituals and
the 8 points wheel of the year.
● We will also study the three main cauldrons of knowledge and how to invoke the
Awen/Imbas or nature divine magical inspiration.
● This and so much more!

Introducing: Ambassador Mary Jane Brigger
interactive map, please click on map and then icons for videos.
Mary Jane Brigger is a Sacred Feminine Advocate and Mystic for women who are
experiencing the Rite of Passage called the Wisdom Years. According to ancient
wisdom, the end of menopause is when we BEcome the Wise Woman, a Divine Vessel
of Accumulated Wisdom hard earned through life experiences and crisis.
The Wise Woman Frees Herself Through a Mystical Voyage to ReClaim Her Authentic
Feminine Self,Truth, and Essence of Her Soul.
Progams and Services
Mary Jane’s programs and services are a spiritual blend of Ancient Celtic, Essene, and
Magdalene Mysticism. She has been practicing for over 17years providing women
Mystic Pathways to Awakening, Attuning, and BEcoming the Wisdom of their Sacred
Feminine Energy.
Mary Jane’s Background and Experience Includes:
● Wisdom Teacher/Founder of Mystic Wise Woman Spirituality
● Mystic Wise Woman
● Friend to The Faery and Elementals
● Teacher of the Magdalene Sacred Mysteries
● Master Teacher in Psychic/Mediumship
● Psychic/Medium/Spirit Channeler/Trance Medium
● Reiki Master/Teacher
● Spiritual Healer
● Certified Body Story Expert
● Death Midwife
● Former Hospice Reiki Master Volunteer
● Celtic and Peruvian Shamanic Practitioner
● Sacred Sophia Circles for Women Including Retreats
● Online Courses and Programs
● BA in Healthcare Management, Certifications in Dental Assisting, Management,
Education and Allied Health Administration.
● Former Board Appointee as Vice President and Member of Dental Assisting
National Board in Chicago, Illinois, including board positions in state and local
dental associations.
Guest On National and International Podcasts
Mary Jane is also a Channel for the Collective Voice of the Cosmic Mother and The
Magdalens, and has been featured on national podcasts such as Kevin Moore’s We Are
the Channelers, The Gnostic Network, and numerous national spiritual podcasts.
The Healing Cottage
Mary Jane Brigger is the owner of The Healing Cottage, located in America within the
rural Amish countryside of West Salem, Ohio. Here she provides private and group
Sacred Sophia Circles and Retreats for women to gently attune to the Power of their
Sacred Feminine Energy through a blend of Magdalene/Essene Mysteries and Celtic
Secret Ireland Tours Are Life Changing
Mary Jane traveled with Mai Hernon and Secret Ireland Tours back in May of 2019
which became a life changing and spiritual transformation for her, both personally and
professionally. It is a dream come true to return to Ireland as an Ambassador for Secret
Ireland Tours and Mai Hernon, and especially with Druidess Rachel Scoazec Brennan
at her A.N.T Healing Center in Co Kerry Ireland.
For more information, go to Mary Jane’s Website at: wwww.MaryJaneBrigger.Com
Contract to be signed please click Here:

Great news! We have partnered with two travel insurance companies to make your travel experience even better. We highly recommend purchasing insurance to protect your travel investment. If you plan to arrive in Ireland before or after the tour, our booking manager can assist you with accommodation.