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Springtime in Ireland Tour
May 20th to 28th 2025

Join us on a 9-day adventure through the stunning countryside of Ireland during the springtime. Immerse yourself in the lush meadows, vibrant flowers, and breathtaking landscapes as we visit castles, cliffs, waterfalls, and ancient sites. Our journey will take us to welcoming family-run small rural hotels and golden beaches, providing an unforgettable experience of Ireland's natural beauty and rich history. Book your trip now and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime!

If you're interested in signing up for the tour or getting more information about it, simply use your phone camera to scan the code below. It's quick and easy!
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Itinerary and payment platform, click button below.
Click Here to see interactive Map. Click on each icon to see videos of each place on map.
If you have any questions please contact us at:
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Great news! We have partnered with two travel insurance companies and an accommodations manager to make your travel experience even more convenient. Simply click on the icons below to learn more about them.


Travelex Insurance


Trawick International


Encounter Ireland

We have organized music in the  local pubs for our tour groups. These sessions are very welcoming to anyone who would like to sing a song, or dance, or indeed, join with an instrument. 

You will hear, for free, some of the finest musicians in the country.  These musicians have travelled the world with their music, but there's nothing like playing in the local pub with their friends.

We will bring you to all the stunning areas only the locals know.

You will see lakes, mountains, sea shores, forests, holy places, and much more. You will meet the locals who might just tell you some stories about where you are.

Relax and take in the fresh air. Go for a walk, take pictures and soak it all up.

On our travels we will see 11th and 12th century ruins of Castles, Abbeys, underground passage tombs, outdoor altars and famine grave sites.

You will go back in time listening to the history of these places. 

We will also be bringing you to restored castles and modern gravesites. "Oh but why are they bringing me to a gravesite" I can hear you say. Just wait and come with us, you will be amazed at what you see.

Check us out on facebook:

Write to Mai Hernon McEvilley at


Phone no's 513 400 7304
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